With the cooler months now upon us, you don’t have to think very hard to realise the impotance of your tyres and brakes.
Let’s start with the tyres. These are your sole connection to the road beneath you. Plus, many of the functions of your car depends on tyres: braking, steering, suspension and driveline.
Consider steering. It is dependent on the friction contained between the tyre treads and the road. If the friction declines for whatever reason, the less the tyres will gripe the road. This translates into loss of control.
Braking efficiency is the seconds most important safety feature. No matter how good your tyres are, if you can’t stop the car or slow down you’re in a real pickle.
Both tyres an brakes can be expensive to replace. The lives of your passengers are dependent on both as well, so it makes economic and moral sense to extend the lifetime of both your tyres and brakes by smooth and sensible driving.
While we’re on the subject, never take a chance with brake fluid either. Brake fluid absorbs moisture which both lowers its boiling point and corrodes internal components, causing the braking system to deteriorate and eventually break down. Regular changing is necessary according to manufacturer guidelines.
Braking is the ability to stop and is a product of vehicle speed, tyre grip, suspension, weight distribution and weight transfer as well as brake efficiency.
At Motors Tasmania we are concerned for your safety first. If you have a car question or need, please drop into your local Motors dealership at Hobart, Launceston, Devenport or Burnie for a friendly attention.
With the cooler months now upon us, you don’t have to think very hard to realise the impotance of your tyres and brakes.
Let’s start with the tyres. These are your sole connection to the road beneath you. Plus, many of the functions of your car depends on tyres: braking, steering, suspension and driveline.
Consider steering. It is dependent on the friction contained between the tyre treads and the road. If the friction declines for whatever reason, the less the tyres will gripe the road. This translates into loss of control.
Braking efficiency is the seconds most important safety feature. No matter how good your tyres are, if you can’t stop the car or slow down you’re in a real pickle.
Both tyres an brakes can be expensive to replace. The lives of your passengers are dependent on both as well, so it makes economic and moral sense to extend the lifetime of both your tyres and brakes by smooth and sensible driving.
While we’re on the subject, never take a chance with brake fluid either. Brake fluid absorbs moisture which both lowers its boiling point and corrodes internal components, causing the braking system to deteriorate and eventually break down. Regular changing is necessary according to manufacturer guidelines.
Braking is the ability to stop and is a product of vehicle speed, tyre grip, suspension, weight distribution and weight transfer as well as brake efficiency.
At Motors Tasmania we are concerned for your safety first. If you have a car question or need, please drop into your local Motors dealership at Hobart, Launceston, Devenport or Burnie for a friendly attention.